GPS Module - NEO 6m
GPS Receiver: The NEO-6M module is a GPS receiver that can receive signals from multiple GPS satellites orbiting the Earth. It is designed to determine the device's latitude, longitude, altitude, and precise time.
Frequency: The module operates at the GPS L1 frequency, which is around 1575.42 MHz. This is the primary frequency used by civilian GPS devices.
UART Communication: Communication with the NEO-6M module is typically done using UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) serial communication. You send commands and receive NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) sentences containing GPS data.
Voltage Supply: The module typically operates with a supply voltage of 3.3V, although some variants may accept a wider voltage range. A voltage regulator is often used to provide a stable 3.3V supply.
Antenna Connection: The module usually features an SMA or u.FL (IPEX) connector for connecting an external GPS antenna. Some versions may have an integrated patch antenna.
Position Accuracy: The NEO-6M module can provide position accuracy within a few meters under open sky conditions. However, accuracy may vary depending on factors like signal quality, satellite visibility, and environmental conditions.
Timekeeping: Besides providing position data, the module also offers precise timekeeping information. This makes it suitable for applications that require accurate timing, such as synchronization of devices.
Configurability: You can configure the NEO-6M module using AT commands. These commands allow you to adjust various settings, such as the update rate, baud rate, and which satellite systems to use (GPS, GLONASS, etc.).
Cold/Warm/Hot Start: The module supports different start-up modes, including cold start (initial acquisition of satellite signals), warm start (reacquisition after power loss), and hot start (quick reacquisition with known almanac data).
Backup Battery: Some variants of the NEO-6M module have a backup battery that helps retain satellite ephemeris data for faster position acquisition after power cycling.
Serial Data Format: The NEO-6M module typically outputs GPS data in NMEA sentences, which are standard text-based messages containing GPS information. The most common sentences include GPGGA (fix data), GPRMC (recommended minimum data), and GPGLL (latitude and longitude).
Integration: The NEO-6M module can be easily integrated into various projects, including vehicle tracking systems, location-based services, geocaching devices, and more.