2N3906 PNP Transistor
Type: PNP (Positive-Negative-Positive) transistor: In PNP transistors like the 2N3906, current flows from the emitter (E) to the collector (C) when a small current is applied to the base (B).
Polarity: The 2N3906 is a PNP transistor, which means it amplifies or switches electronic signals with a positive voltage at the emitter relative to the collector.
Amplification: The 2N3906 has a moderate gain, typically ranging from 100 to 300. This makes it suitable for amplification purposes in small-signal applications.
Voltage Ratings: The transistor is often rated for a maximum collector-emitter voltage (VCEO) of around 40 to 40 volts and a collector current (IC) of up to 200 mA.
Package Type: The 2N3906 is typically available in a TO-92 package, which is a commonly used through-hole package for easy mounting on a PCB.