2N3904 NPN Transistor
The 2N3904 is a commonly used NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in electronic circuits. It is a general-purpose transistor that can be used for amplification, switching, and other applications. The "2N" prefix indicates that it is a transistor, and the "3904" is the specific part number for the 2N3904.
Product Details
- Transistor Type: NPN (Negative-Positive-Negative)
- Maximum Collector Current (Ic): 200 mA
- Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage (Vce): 40 V
- Maximum Emitter-Base Voltage (Veb): 6 V
- Maximum Collector Power Dissipation (Pc): 625 mW
- Maximum Transition Frequency (ft): 300 MHz
- DC Current Gain (hfe): typically around 100-300
The 2N3904 transistor can be used in various electronic circuits, such as amplifiers, switches, oscillators, and signal processing circuits.